July 27, 2014 Jaybee 0 Comments

There are a few distinctive things that makes us human and the ability to love and be loved isn't one of them.

"He has apologized, he has explained everything. What more do you want him to do?" I asked looking straight at Titi's embittered face.

"I want him to leave me alone." She replied with tears in her voice.



July 25, 2014 Jaybee 1 Comments

I've wanted to write this post all week but tight schedule would only delay but not stop me from sharing this with you.

All men are born with unequal opportunities to become equal.
Someone once said: It’s not a crime to be born poor but a crime and even a sin to die poor.
Although riches and poverty are quite broad and can be very relative (meaning what you consider as riches might be poor in my own standards) but the fact still remains that just for one singular reason, some people will die either a little bit richer than how they were born or poorer than they were at birth.
What is this singular reason I'm talking about?



July 21, 2014 Jaybee 0 Comments

If you've ever Cut, Copied & pasted anything on your computer or mobile devices, and you've never for once thought of how it came about and whether you can just say a small "Thanks" to the person who invented it, if there was anyone, then you're a very big ingrate.

For the rest of us, the person we've indirectly thought of is Lawrence G. Tesler. The inventor of Cut, Copy and Paste.The genius up there.



July 20, 2014 Jaybee 0 Comments

 Welcome back to the a world, where everything is much more twisted than it seems.

The man who was bold enough to flex a few hours of sex with his ex and the next thing is chickening out of the resulting stress and headache without even the courage to confront his fiancée and tell her what went down and what's going to be the way forward. - T.E.F #18 

'I thought you said we were friends Jay?... You are not my friend if you know something that can harm me and you refuse to tell me about it. Its all good and let's just say that's how you payback for whatever offense I've committed against you. - T.E.F #17



July 01, 2014 Jaybee 0 Comments

Now the first half of the year is gone and today marks the first day of the second.
Happy first day of the year's business half.
All your dreams in the first half will become a reality in the second.
You will experience the true meaning of breakthrough.
You will not have any cause to be sorrowful over any of your loved ones, before and during the 'EMBER' months.
God will always cause laughter in your mouth this month cos his favour, blessings, good health & protection will never cease towards you.
Go on and achieve those goals as the sky is never your limit.

Have a very lovely month of JULY.

Mature Minds Talk.