March 08, 2017 Jaybee 2 Comments

How difficult is it being a woman?

Yes, the question is rhetorical. But have you ever imagined how many females we’ll have in the world if you could choose your gender before being given birth to (especially when you’re given the “terms and conditions” manual to read before making your choice). Hmm… Thank God gender is one of the individual unique factors beyond a person’s choice.

It’s not very arguable that as much as societal expectations, gender segregation, cultural pressure, and so on is relative worldwide, growing up as a female in Africa comes with probably unprecedented additional baggage. Thanks to the deep rooted cultural beliefs, being on the “other” side of civilization, and the many centuries of resistance to fundamental understanding of gender parity and appreciation.

Not many examples would be given but in a continent where a woman is constantly mocked for not tying the nuptial knot at a certain age. Where she’s termed a “Witch” for giving birth to three children of her own gender in a row, and told to step aside to allow another woman into the home come deliver the heir of the family isn’t only ridiculous. It just takes wind out of a lot of “knowledgeable” sails…

Woman, if you’ve ever been made to see yourself as the weaker vessel, trust me, you are not! Why? Simply because you are stronger than everyone thinks. Ever wondered why Nature isn’t referred to as “Father Nature?” Ever wondered why God, even though was creating a companion for the first man (even took some part of him), didn’t ask for his opinion while at work but rather made him “chill out” in a deep sleep? Ever wondered why there are more women on the surface of the earth than men?

It has been evident, and would continue to be evident that the expectations, the boundaries, the limitations, the classification, and so on… that would ever define a woman would be the ones she chooses to accept. So with that said, Woman, understand that your physical strength may not be on the same level compared to the opposite gender (how much strength was Goliath able to use), you may from birth have constantly heard the phrase “Don’t you know you are a woman?”, you may have grown up with a whole lot of societal, cultural, and psychological pressure but…

Trust me, you are made a woman because you have the power to carry that form. You are unique and you have the power to chart your own course. You are not wired as a dependent being in any ramification. Your inner strength is unmatched, your intellectual prowess is unlimited. You are made for so much more; and your “womanity” is not just a blessing but also the heartbeat of humanity. The society doesn’t understand the extent of your purpose; your background tries to define your limits.

Woman, you are beautifully and wonderfully made. You cannot allow yourself to be weighed on the scale of pity. You are so unique, your uniqueness is yet to be fully understood. You don’t have to vie for power – You are power personified. There are no glass ceilings, no segregations, no limitations, no boundaries, and no stigma. You are a woman and it means that YOU, my friend, are ENOUGH.

Happy International Women’s Day!

Mature Minds Talk