May 01, 2014 Jaybee 1 Comments

M- Miraculous happening and
A- Abundant supply of good things shall be
Y- Yours in this unique month of sufficient grace in Jesus name.

The grace of God will lift you up, bless your life and put laughter in your mouth.
As may cannot be abbreviated, so will no one shorten your life. (AMEN).
                                                                                      HAPPY NEW MONTH.

Now, the exciting thing we want to start this month with and to apologize for the coldness of late is giving out free 'MMT' customized T's to loyal MMT Blog followers. qualification for this is as easy as blinking your eyes.
- Comment on posts and you might be the lucky one. Preferably, comment using your name and email address.
- If you can't or your network won't allow you, don't panic. At the end of your comments, put a signature. That is, something peculiar to only you. e.g: 'Timothy', 'JKA', 'Slimberry' etc. at the end of your comments. The same way most of our posts end with 'Mature Minds Talk'. Got it?

This will run till mid month. So comment and anticipate. Thanks
Have a blessed and surprise filled month of MAY ahead.

Mature Minds Talk.

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