These might still come in handy for those who have fallen or are really struggling with the burden that comes with change.
Are you worried you'll fail after just a few days? Just follow these pointers...
It's January, we're all still bloated from Christmas, and year-ender parties and regretting our life choices over the past week. It's time to make our New Year's resolutions.
Whether it's eating healthy, going to the gym, quitting smoking or promising yourself that you will take that trip of a lifetime, the first week of the year can be an exciting time fresh with new hope for the future.
But if you don't stick to your promises, the second week can be a bit more guilt-laden.
So, how do we avoid falling off the wagon at the first hurdle? How do we manage to stick to our goals until we see results?
The NHS website has published some great tips from Professor Richard Wiseman, of the University of Hertfordshire.
Read on below for advice on getting through to December 2015 guilt-free.
Keep these in mind...
Don't stretch yourself (Unless your resolution is to do more yoga)
Make only one resolution. Your chances of success are greater when you channel energy into changing just one aspect of your behaviour.
Don't repeat the past
"Avoid previous resolutions. Deciding to revisit a past resolution sets you up for frustration and disappointment."
Create mini goals
Break your goal into a series of steps, focusing on creating sub-goals that are concrete, measurable and time-based.
Tick off your achievements
Regularly remind yourself of the benefits associated with achieving your goals by creating a checklist of how life would be better once you obtain your aim.
Take time to reflect
"Don't wait until New Year's Eve to think about your resolution and instead take some time out a few days before and reflect upon what you really want to achieve."
Don't follow the crowd
Don't run with the crowd and go with the usual resolutions. Instead, think about what you really want out of life.
Get support
Tell your friends and family about your goals. You're more likely to get support and want to avoid failure.
Keep a record
Make your plans and progress concrete by keeping a hand written journal, completing a computer spreadsheet or covering a notice board with graphs or pictures.
Treat yourself
Give yourself a small reward whenever you achieve a sub-goal, thus maintaining motivation and a sense of progress.
Expect to fail
Expect to revert to your old habits from time to time. Treat any failure as a temporary setback rather than a reason to give up altogether.
(- Daily Mirror)