Hello Guys,Happy New Month. Am I the only one who is still surprised that we're in the eight month of the year already? Like seriously?! Wasn't it two or three months ago that we shouted "Happy New Year?" You know , Time doesn't only have wings; It has fetish abilities (to make some people rich, and some, the other way).
This month, you'll experience
A-bundance of all good things in ramifications of your life.
U-nmerited favour that is too big for you to comprehend.
G-reat achievements that is beyond your mental and financial capability.
U-pliftment from where you are to where you are meant to be.
S-urprises that would make people ask what you're 'using'
T-estimonies of amazing breakthroughs and divinely accelerated progress.
Have a fulfilled month ahead and prepare yourself to receive. Be open minded and sieve the advice you receive before taking action.
God bless us all.
Mature Minds Talk