Glad to have you back on today's episode of What Do You Think. All the intro has been done last week and for those who missed it, you can check HERE.
Today is another week with another story but believe me, when you think you've seen or heard it all, come check Mature Minds Talk WDYT just to be sure. You just might surprise yourself.
Without further ado, let's jump straight to the WDYT for today.
Here we go
There is love in sharing is what the bib... Sorry... people, say. But if you find yourself in a marriage where your partner cannot stand sharing some things with you, then toying with the thought of divorce in your head, just like the lady in the center of this scenario might or might not be a bad idea.
Joy (not real name of course) has been happily married for three years to a very caring husband and all round gentleman and everything is going on fine... except for one thing - Joy's husband is too hygienic for her liking and he suffers from "Ordering and Arrangement OCD" (it's not grammar. use your google app).
Her husband has never shared his towel, soap, sponge, and all hell broke loose the day Joy used her husband's toothbrush only to tell him two days later. He was livid. He didn't talk to her for a week for that crime. Nothing can be out of place for ten seconds where Joy's hubby is. Sometimes he'll come back from work and without even removing his tie, start putting this and that carefully in their places.
Joy's husband, sometimes, like a man possessed, would wake up in the middle of the night and start arranging the living room, the kitchen, and any other room not well arranged, putting every single thing where they are meant to be - In the middle of the night.
She has 'tolerated' his behaviour for too long and she feels she could lose her mind if she keeps up with his OCD and over-hygienic behaviour.
So, should she just overlook that side and focus on his other good sides?
Should she go ahead and opt out of the marriage?
Should she keep praying for him or probably she needs to understand that it's a good thing to have a man who is hygienic and meticulous. Or...
...What Do You Think?
Mature Minds Talk.