November 07, 2017 Jaybee 2 Comments

It’s the seventh day of my Write Time Challenge. I’ve been out all day and I just came back in, about an hour or so ago. I promised spontaneity during this 30 Days “Write Time Challenge” and I’m not going to eat my words. For reiteration sake, everything you read within the period of my “Write Time Challenge” was written not just on that same day, but less than two hours before you read it. Someone saw me talk about spontaneity and told me to not play on people’s intelligence. Funny. I won’t, just as I won’t want people to play on my integrity.

I digress.

So I’m sitting here, staring at my screen, thinking of what to write and I just seem unable to pick any of the various topics in my head screaming “Pick Me! Pick Me!”… I’ve written long enough to smell Writer’s Block from a mile away. I immediately updated my WhatsApp status to say I might just be walking on the thin rope of Writer’s Block. So, goodbye guys, I don’t have anything to talk about today. Hopefully, I’ll be back tomorrow with good news.

Oh! But before you go, if you’re a writer, let me dedicate this to you and just quickly give you 10 tips to overcome the much dreaded Writer’s Block. It’s frustrating; I know. But once you master it, you’ll simply just ghost through the block.

1. Don’t Panic – The fastest way many writers shoot themselves in the foot is to panic at the appearance of the “Block”. Calm down and smile. It’s like a moving cloud. It’ll soon be gone.

2. Listen to Music – You might not know the effect of music on your brain but listening to music can really help ghost you through the block. I deploy this technique quite well.

3. Play Games – Yup! It could be board games, puzzles, arcades, or even video games. You’ll be taking a break while still keeping your brain stimulated. I either play chess, scrabble or adventure video games. I’m actually about to play.

4. Read – Sometimes, your brain doesn’t feel like pouring out. It’ll prefer taking in. Reading is a widely used technique in overcoming Writer’s Block. Read a book, a blog post, newspaper column, whatever! Just read.

5. Engage in a Conversation – Engage people in conversations. Call up a friend or text them. Texting works for me personally, ‘cos I’m writing but my brain isn’t recognizing it as that (yet).

6. Jot Ideas – If you’re working on a script, a book, or so, then jot ideas. Don’t try to expand on them. Just jot. Let your mind roam free but capture your thoughts while it wanders. You just might surprise yourself.

7. Wait for your Zone – I personally write better in the morning than any other time of the day. Study your own time and wait for your zone. You’ll get a better flow then, than any other time.

8. Sleep – Your brain might just be rest deprived. It might not even be a block. If you check and you haven’t slept well in a couple of days, get your butt up and shut your eyes.

9. Utilize Distractions – Check what’s happening on the timeline, watch TV for a bit, play with your pet, just distract yourself a bit. (Disclaimer: Many people recommend avoiding distractions, but the opposite works for me.)

10. Write – This is the silver bullet. The grenade and EMP. If you’ve tried all you can and you’re still feeling stuck, WRITE! Just freestyle. That’s what I did up there and at this point, you’ve just read 600 words. How’s that for Writer’s Block.

Hope this helps.


Mature Minds Talk

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  1. Good one Elijah. More power to your elbow and ink to your pen.
