November 16, 2017 Jaybee 0 Comments

I smile now as I remember back in 2012, the younger Jaybee in his twenties, labelled the ambitious kid by everyone who knew him then. He always wondered why people referred to him as "T-Money" but apparently, kid was all about the money. If it was not making money, it wasn't making sense. So kid always looked out for ways by which more money could be made. He was always up all night, trying to get lucky...

...I gotta digress quickly.

Let me ask you quick question - Ever heard a song, and your immediate reaction was "Mhen, this song is crap!"... Only to catch yourself singing the same song much later? Or have you ever listened to a song that made you feel energetic or gloomy? Also, have you ever listened to a song in another language, without a single idea of what the singer was saying, but you totally connected with it?


Ever wondered why MUSIC is said to be the food of the SOUL? It is simply because music has the ability to transcend your physicality, connecting with seamless fluidity with your spirituality. Music can be a weapon, an antidote, a means of provoking the spiritual, a means of preserving history, a cultural pointer, a distraction, an indicator, and so much more. Music has more to it than meets the eye (and ears. Lol!)

Health researches put the revenues from "Digital Drugs" at about half of what typical "drugs" rake in. DD's are simply binaural beats that alter the brain's wave patterns, inducing an altered state of consciousness. Using DD results in a high. Practically the same effect as using any typical "drug". Ever seen people die with headphones on, blood, unexplainably oozing out of their noses and mouths? That's DD abuse.

Sorry for the graphic illustration.

The point here is - If you've ever heard the saying "Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it flows the issues of life" (it's a biblical verse - Proverbs 4:23) then, don't you for once think that the kind of music you expose yourself to, is an exemption. If an American president can say the cause of increased gangterism and public violence towards LGBT, was a rapper's music, then don't think he's totally delusional.

We may have little or no control over what we hear, but we've got to be more intentional about what we listen to; especially these days when music is implemented as a drill to bore more holes into the already severely perforated morality. There is more to music than meets the eye (and ears). Have you ever been singing a song in your mind, only for someone else to sing it out loud? 

Let's watch what goes in, as they form the ingredients to produce what comes out.

You thought I forgot I started with a story. Right? Back to the story. So, young Jaybee had invested in some seemingly sure deals that had nosedived and crashed. He felt so bad, it was eating him up deep inside. With no one physically available to talk to, Jaybee was strolling on the edge of depression. Suddenly, he stumbled on a song that came to the rescue.

Excerpts of the Lyrics:

"...Until the referee rings the bell
Until both your eyes start to swell
Until the crowd goes home
What we gonna do y'all?

Give 'em hell, turn their heads
Gonna live life till we're dead.
Give me scars, give me pain
Then just say to me, say to me, say to me
There goes a fighter, there goes a fighter
Here comes a fighter
That's what they'll say to me, say to me
Say to me, this one's a fighter

My fav genre of music is rap and back in 2012, Gym Class Heroes' THE FIGHTER served a higher purpose than just entertainment. Till today, it's more than just a song to me. That song was my "bounce back" song.

Be intentional about your music.


Mature Minds Talk

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